Kimbolton School is dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its boarding and day pupils, regardless of age, ability, race, culture, religion, sexuality or class. Safeguarding is integrated into the School ethos.
It is the duty of all members of staff including full-time, part-time and volunteers, both teaching and support, to play an active role in ensuring the safety and promoting the welfare of the children in the School’s care.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
If you have any concerns regarding your own safety or the safety of other pupils, such as your friends, you should not hesitate to contact one of the following:
Designated Safeguarding Leads:
If you have a worry about anything or anyone please enter it the box below and this will be received by a Designated Safeguarding Person.
You do not need to include your name if you want to stay anonymous, but if you do someone will be able to get back to you.
The following have also received appropriate Designated Person Safeguarding training:
If, for some reason, you do not wish to contact any of the above, you can still speak to any member of staff (e.g. Tutor, Hm, Health Centre, Chaplain, Deputy Heads or Headmaster). You may ring Childline on 0800 1111.
Full details of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, as well as our Anti Bullying Policy, Anti Cyberbullying Policy, Whistle-Blowing Policy, Child on Child Abuse Policy and Online Safety Policy are published on the Policies page of the website